Vote For My Snugglebug!!

Yes, OF COURSE I entered my cutie into the Gerber photo contest on Facebook. Please vote for my snugglebug!! I will return the favor if you leave a comment on this post with a link. Thanks!!!!!! Good luck to everyone!

First you have to "like" Gerber's page HERE. If you have already done this ever before, skip this step.

Then, vote for my sweetiepie HERE.

Thanks in advance!!!
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Trash Into Treasure!

I love to go to yard sales because you really don't know what fantastic things you can discover!

A couple weeks ago I found this high chair for $5. Of course it needed to be cleaned up and a new cover/safety straps, but I figured that out.

My favorite model was napping at the time, so her teddy bear had to do.
I still have to figure out hoe to cover up that ugly stuff on the side of the tray... any ideas?

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2 month shots

Let's be honest, I'm a wuss. Pain and I are not friends and I think I actually have more sensitive nerve endings than most people. Thank God Lynaea got her daddy's pain tolerance! She had to have her shots today and I was dreading it. I felt like the worst mother in the world because she was having such a good day and I knew it was totally going to change and she wouldn't even see the pain coming!

BAM, it was going to huit her out of nowhere!

Well, the time came to give her shots, but she took it like a CHAMP. Of course she cried a little, but after a couple of minutes she was back to happy baby. I think I cried more than she did.

I just had to share my little joy. Peace and love!

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Post Partum Depression

Yes, it is hard adjusting to the whims of a newborn.

Yes, I fell off the face of the planet.

Yes, PPD sucks.

Fortunately I went to the doctors about a week ago to get medicine because my mood just wasn't lifting. Things are looking up! I fell off the face of the Earth for a while there, but I am slowly coming back. In a few days I hope to be as good as new.

Wish me luck!

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