It's A... (Updated!)


I feel like everyone I know who's had a baby recently or is having one soon is having a girl. Plus, almost my entire family is made up of girls so I guess I'm just carrying on the traditions. Bring on the estrogen!

It didn't matter to us which sex the baby was, we are just so excited to finally have a name for the little baby growing in my belly. We've had names picked out since the beginning of the pregnancy and I'm proud to say that baby Lynnaea is going to meet us all in a few months! I wanted to name her after my mom, but "Linda" is a little boring, so instead of Linda Jane she will be Lynnaea Jane. I'm sure she will be daddy's little princess. He's already very opinionated about what she can and can't wear...

(Half an hour later) So, I was going to post a picture of my 3D ultrasound picture because it is the only one that looks like a baby... but I can't find my ultrasound pictures!!!! I swear I put them in a safe place.

I guess I'm losing everything else on top of losing my mind. Yesterday it was my phone charger (on the day I wanted to talk to everyone about our baby girl) that I later found in a random room I haven't been in for about a week. As soon as I find the pictures, I will post the "good" one. Lynnaea is always looking straight out during the ultrasounds so the pictures make her look like a skeleton/alien being. Maybe I should be a skeleton with a baby skeleton in my belly for Halloween...

(one day later) FOUND THEM! They were exactly where I thought they were... and I had taken everything out of that bag three times without finding them. Then today I take something out, and there they are! Just sitting in there..

This is a 3D picture of her face (straight on) squished between the placenta and my uterus apparently very content. (they are the white things on left and right)

Right below the exact middle of the picture is her nose. Two dark spots above that are her eyes, and the dark line below her nose is the separation between her lips (I realize ultrasounds are hard to decipher if you dont know what you are looking at). She's so beautiful already!


  1. Yay! Congratulations! Find those pictures!! :)

  2. Congratulations on the girl! That is also a beautiful name <3 I'm so proud of myself for recognizing what was what in the picture, but so glad you explained too because it all became clear, lol. Hope all is well!
